During the summer of 2024, I gave a talk on Functional Programming, comparing Gleam, a then newly released FP language running on the Erlang VM, and C# to the engineering team of my company. These are the slides from the presentation.
Some slides had to be retracted, due to containing proprietary code snippets from my company.
Retracted slide, showing an SQL statement, showing how it’s declarative
Retracted slide, showing the execution plan of the previous statement, showing how it’s imperative
Retracted slide, showing a C# example levaraging the ErrorOr library to implement a method in an aggregate root.
Retracted slide, showing a C# example levaraging the ErrorOr and MediatR library to implement a command handler.
- Propositions as Types - Philip Wadler
- Plain Functional Programming - Martin Odersky
- Imperative vs Declarative Programming - uidotdev
- The Functional Programmer’s Toolkit - Scott Wlaschin
- Domain Modeling Made Functional - Scott Wlaschin
- Why Functional Programming Matters - John Hughes
- Functional Design Patterns - Scott Wlaschin
- Functional Design Patterns - Stuart Sierra
- Object-Oriented Programming is Bad - Brian Will
- Gleam